Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So for a few months now JJ and I have had this battle being waged over a dog. Yes, a dog. JJ loves dogs and has wanted one for years. I have had it with having pets for a looong time and don't want a dog. It is not that I don't like dogs, because I do. It is just that I am content with not having a dog or a cat after my experiences with the cats. I don't want to deal with it.

But, JJ loves dogs so much. He has wanted one for years, his dad used to breed and train dogs so he always had dogs as a kid, and feels he is missing something by not having one. Knowing this, I finally told him at some point soon he could get a dog, as long as he was responsible for it pretty much completely. Well, that is when he dropped the other shoe: the dog he wants more than anything else is a Rottweiler. NO! They are big and aggressive. Why something so powerful? I felt that just the fact I was willing to get a dog was compromise enough!

We have gone back and forth, mainly with humorous myspace comments, in an endless dog battle. I thought a nice chocolate lab would be a good compromise. They are good-looking dogs and still big, but not aggressive. But no, that was not good enough, if he couldn't get the dog he wanted, he didn't want one at all. Blah blah blah.

But then something magical happened. He happened upon a picture of an English-style chocolate lab. Pictures of what they look like are above. Way way back in the day this breed of dog was mixed with a Rott so they have some of its blocky-head and stocky-body features, but with the temperament of a lab! So we decided we will probably end up getting ones of these. There is a breeder in central California that JJ is supposed to talk to tonight.

I don't want a dog. But we are getting married and compromise has to be part of it. I think we both won the battle, I hope anyway.


Monica said...

remember, that the dog will be only how its trained. we used to have a rott when i was little, and we also had a pit, those 2 dogs were the sweetest most gentle dogs i have even owned. most people are intimidated by the animals size.
my brothers dog is taller than brynn and weighs 100lbs, (boxer) and is really a lap dog trpped in a giant dogs body!
you guys will find the dog that is right for you...tell JJ to be patient. he wants you to like it right?

Mary said...

I want a pom dog so bad I can taste it... but Ernie says it isn't fair to the dog because I am hardly home..

he is right, but in my heart I know I will have a dog one day...

I love you...

Vicki said...

ugh, they slobber big time. ugh!

Busby said...

Compromise in a marriage means you get what you want and the other person pretends they are okay with it.


Monica said...

michael i love that. that is perfect!

also remember val, the bigger the dog, the bigger the shit!

Mary said...

monica.. that quote can go to any situation..

personal and business..

Vicki said...

How profound this family is/ : )