Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's Already Wednesday?!?!?!

Hello all. Time flies, it is already the 13th! The bad news is we should have gotten married last weekend, or any weekend for the last month, because the temperature is rising! Friday is going to be considerably hotter than Saturday according to the weather report, so if you come to the rehearsal and want to die, it should be better the next day. Plus I brilliantly scheduled the rehearsal at 4, which is a really hot part of the day here. I am pretty bummed that it just so happens this week is the second hottest all summer. Figures. I would be a lot more upset except that there is really nothing I can do about it. We will get through!

JJ and the boys just left for the bachelor party, a two night camping trip, complete with seadoos and beer, so they should have fun. Jordan, JJ's friend from San Diego, brought his wife up for the wedding, so she is going with them. All us girls were invited but I had too much to do and I don't really like to camp, so poor Carrie thought I was coming and she wouldn't be the only girl. But she is, and she looked slightly horrified. Poor thing.

Lillyanne started first grade today. She was very happy because it turns out one of the first grade teachers quit over the summer, so her Kindergarten teacher is now teaching a K-1st grade combo class, and Lilly is in her class again. Lilly LOVES Mrs. Penman, so it is good. Lilly hates change and this makes her have less of one. Of course, she is in first grade so her day is a lot longer, and she is now in an after school program instead of her old daycare, so there will be some changes. Plus Kindergarten was afternoon. Her whole schedule is changing so I am afraid she is going to be just exhausted on Saturday, but I guess that is what excessive and unhealthy amounts of caffeinated soda is for.

See you all very soon! Sorry the heat is going to be harsh, but we are having it late enough so that things should cool down quickly.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

It can't be hotter than Mary's wedding, so all is well.
of corse a black pants suit ;might just put me down.
Just give me lots of water.